My First Post

Hey. I really don't know why i started this blog. But now that I have, hopefully someone will get me a decent camera so i can freeze some moments in my life worth remembering =).

UNTIL THEN, expect long lines of words and more words that will bore you out of your mind...

Btw, since I started staying in nilai my life has changed a lot... made many new friends and met lotsa interesting people, as well as getting closer to those I already know. Late night mamak/cc sessions, mondays(official sports day for me) and CF, cg, nk sessions, and pool has grown in size in my life's pie chart. I'm glad I decided to stay here. However here's where the problem begins... There is never enough time to spend with all your friends and sometimes they feel left out when you tell them what you did the night before without them and stuff like that. Regardless, i think I'm having fun here and let's hope it stays that way =D

6 thoughts:

Elle T. said...


Jessica Yong said...

start thanking muah.

credits : jessica yong hui queen.


Stan said...

Peer pressure from Jessica xD

d晨晖Eric said...

balia guy..
save money to get a camera lolz..

enjoy ur campus life here ya~


mILk said...
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Unknown said...

whey!! what did u tell me when i asked u to own an individual blog yea?? hrng...

Btw, looking for more from ur blogs yea~ dude!

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